Blue Ridge

       Vocal Connection

An Open Invitation:

We’re asking participants in Montana International Choral Festival’s 2023 event to spread the vision to Virginia’s Blue Ridge mountains…

Mark Freeman and I (Thomas DeBusk) volunteered at the 2023 Montana International Choral Festival because we plan to create a regional choral festival based in the scenic Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia. We came to learn, and believed the best way to do that would be to jump in from the bottom up. So we’ve schlepped pianos, hauled risers, guided singers to the stage, and picked the brains of seasoned veterans & enthusiastic newbies who make MICF’s organization & execution look easy (we KNOW it’s not).

Back home, we’re starting from scratch, so we have a lot of heavy lifting to do. We know the MICF started with the passionate vision of Donald Carey. He was able to successfully translate his experience in Nancy, France into Missoula’s current cultural powerhouse one donation, volunteer, note, singer, and choir at a time.

We’re asking you to help us pass that inspiration on to another community that needs it: ours. We are asking you to help our Blacksburg neighbors look past the workload to see a valuable payload yet to be realized.

We already have musicians, singers, choirs, and conductors. But we don’t yet have the essential cooperation, shared vision, and sacrificial spirit that birthed the MICF. We need you to help us develop it. How?

Easy: click on the link below and answer four simple questions about your involvement in the MICF.

We’ll post your comments on a Blue Ridge Vocal Connection web page to show our local government leaders, musicians, business owners, music teachers, and other civic and community leaders that investing time, money, and talents in a regional choral festival is a sound investment in a better future.

Yes, this appeal is long-ish, but we just need a few words of encouragement from you. Soon, please. And thank you in advance (because we’re native Southerners with good manners). Maybe someday we can show you our hospitality in person at our first annual Blue Ridge Choral Connection. You will share in the pride we feel because you’ll know you played an important part in getting our festival off the ground.

Please note: we’re not spammers, we won’t give or sell your email to spammers, and we won’t use it for any purpose other than communicating with you. The form you fill out will also give you the option to allow us to use your full name, or just your first name & last initial. You can also tell us in the comments whether we have your permission to disclose the organization you’re a part of.

Blue Ridge Vocal Connection

Thomas L. DeBusk


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