Blue Ridge

       Vocal Connection

Word Art

Robyn Offered Song

Robyn offered Song;

Forrest failed to heed.

Robyn offered Song,

but Byrd flew on.

Creek ran off with Corris.

Robyn offered Song,

but no Body joined,

so Harmony rested on two.

Siren Karr adjourned—with Drew—

then traffic felled Forrest too.

Young loved Melody;

savoring kisses on lips,

until Job swaggered by

with fancy Rich and Crystal Wall, hips!

Then Young moved on with Kako Fun Nie.

Robyn ended Song so low,

at Cul-de-Sac.

Forrest and Young,

still, wanted,

lonely, long.

Contact Us

Blue Ridge Vocal Connection

Thomas L. DeBusk


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