Blue Ridge

       Vocal Connection

Would you join us in thanking the leaders and members of our host church?:

Northside Presbyterian Church

1017 Progress Street, NW

Blacksburg, VA

Our program format has certain minimum requirements, among them being the need for four separate spaces where we can rehearse four different singing groups and costing less than a week at the beach. It’s a pretty tall order. Oh, and we needed fast internet, too..

Thankfully, our hosts at Northside Presbyterian Church stepped forward to fill it. We encourage our participants to express your gratitude to the church members and staff who support, provide, clean, and maintain the space we’re using. And I hope you’ll help us leave both facilities in just as spiffy a condition when we finish as they were when we started.

-Thomas DeBusk, Director

Blue Ridge Vocal Connection

Click here for tickets to

Meet Your Muses:

Melody, Harmony, & Rhythm

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Blue Ridge Vocal Connection

Thomas L. DeBusk


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